Today, almost all vehicles have an electronic control unit, abbreviated as ECU (Electronic Control Unit), each vehicle has its own operating system. The purpose of this process can be grouped under two headings. The first is the economy expectation of the individual and the second is the performance of the vehicle in terms of power. In line with the service we provide, we can offer these two titles to our customers at the same time. In other words, we simultaneously increase the power of the vehicle and ensure its economy. Considering the condition of your vehicle, we safely apply the most suitable one for your vehicle in line with your demands and expectations.

Ecu (Electronic Control System) How does it work?
The system, which we call ECU, known as the brain of the vehicle among the people, provides the system to work properly and healthily by controlling many units (injector, pump, ignition coil, gearbox, EGR, throttle, etc.)

What is Chiptuning & Remapping?
Chip Tuning / ECU Tuning is the process of transferring the original software, which is the factory standard in vehicles, from the vehicle’s ECU, and after making changes in line with the customer’s request, it is transferred back to the vehicles ECU. As a result of this transmission process, which is widely used in Europe and America, power and torque increase is achieved, while fuel savings are also provided. Since no additional parts are attached to the vehicle during this process, mechanical originality is preserved. Transferring the Chip Tuning / ECU Tuning system software or the factory standard software of the vehicle to the vehicle’s ECU is carried out in a very short time. At the request of the customer, this process ranges from changes on the standard brain to writing a custom program from scratch.

Which vehicles we do Chiptuning?
Vehicles in the heavy commercial class, turbo diesel passenger and light commercial vehicles, turbo gasoline passenger and light commercial vehicles, N/A vehicles, and buses are vehicles that can be chip tuning applied. While fuel economy and power increase is generally between 10-12% in passenger and light commercial vehicles, heavy vehicle class and buses, a 30% increase in power is obtained in vehicles with turbo diesel and gasoline turbo diesel engines.

Why Doesn't Manufacturer Make These?
This is the most important question that is asked, in fact, why the manufacturer does not do it, but you do. The reason for this is that your vehicles are programmed according to certain standards, and vehicles must operate in very different environmental conditions without any problems. For example, the programs of the vehicle in Alaska and the vehicle in Turkey are the same. Factories have to operate the vehicles in certain norms, so they have to reduce their power, of course, they have to sacrifice torque when the power decreases. We unleash this restricted power. And since the power we extract is not enforced, it does not steal from the life of your engine.
The reasons why these applications are not made by the manufacturers; We can explain the reason why the manufacturers do not make these applications in 2 ways,
- All vehicles offered for sale in our country must be produced according to internationally valid norms, so these norms are taken as a basis when programming. There is no vehicle production according to the differences of the countries. Based on this equality principle, the performance of the vehicles (in terms of torque and horsepower) is less than they should be, since there is a standard programming. By breaking this equality with the service we provide, the engine life is not shortened as we do not push the limits of the vehicle while ensuring the recovery of the reduced performance of the vehicle.
- Many brands; they use versions of the same engine with power differences in their vehicles. The reason of this; When the user wants to buy a vehicle, there are more than one option (marketing policy-to offer the closest alternative according to the needs of the person or what he wants-) and there are differences in pricing. This different price policy is also due to the power and software differences of the vehicle engine.